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In deze week heeft kunstenares Elise Snoek samen met 20 Oekraïense inwoners van Haren e.o. een prachtig kunstwerk gemaakt in de centrale eetzaal van de opvanglocatie in Haren. Dit landschap met zonnebloemen en glooiende velden, doet de bewoners aan thuis denken: "Big thanks to everybody for joining Elise, the Dutch painter, in the creation of the mural on the restaurant wall, inspired by the landscapes of Ukraine. This mural is set in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and is based on the sketches of my daughter Mariia, a Ukrainian painter. It was your participation that made it possible for the paining to be completed in just one week. This landscap, a piece of our Motherland, has touched many hearts, both Ukrainian and Dutch. Thank you everybody!" Lena

  • Datum:08.07.2023 01:34 PM
  • Locatie Emmalaan 33, Haren, Nederland (Kaart)